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Treadmill Retry

Description: A dead simple retry library with callbacks for your own retry behavior.
Publish Date: 06/11/2016
Keywords: C# retry .net retry library

Of course those are lasers shooting from the rodent's eyes!!!

This is just a do while loop with some call backs. Super simple and hopefully covers more retry scenarios than the libraries I checked out.

Source Code on Github

Tests which can serve as examples as well. Jetbrains DotCover results

Test Coverage

Comments: 2
Rob Russell (05/18/2017)

This looks simple and elegant! Curious, what the difference is in 1.0.1 currently in Nuget? I'd like to use this but w/out the additional DLL dependency. Thanks for sharing it!

Allan Chadwick (05/18/2017)

Thanks! 1.0.1 has no changes and only reflect me trying to synchronize with the github repo and release tag at . This library has no dependencies but you can copy and paste the source code and bypass nuget if desired.

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